THE SOULFAM PODCAST with Diana and Lexi


Diana Marcketta and Lexi Strumor Saldin Season 7 Episode 1

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And you thought 2023 was a doozey!! Revolution is underway for 2024 is this revealing episode of THE SOULFAM PODCAST with Diana and Lexi with guest astro expert AM Penn of TENTH HOUSE SUN (@tenth_house_sun and @22teachings)  leading the charge. Winding up 2023 with lots of reflection, release and both endings and beginnings, AM lends us her wisdom and humor as Chiron the wounded healer checks in Aries, leaving us sensitive to old hurts yet finding a way to heal. With the full moon in Taurus about to peak on this Oct. 28 day and the wonderful pagan celebration of harvest, Samhain or Halloween, welcomes  a the dark months and the 3D physical world and the humanly-invisible ethereal world intertwine. AM shares her insight on the addiction we as earthlings have to discord and war and how in the upcoming year we will have to opportunity to determine if that doesn't work for one of us, how does it work for all of us? Enlightening, enchanting and always shining a celestial light for greater understanding, AM tells Diana and Lexi just WTF in going on right now, and we can potentially expect to wind out 2023, and get wound up for 2024!! We hope you enjoy this episode, and that each and every one of you is surrounded with peace and love. Diana and Lexi of THE SOULFAM PODCAST. 

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