Welcome to The Soulfam Podcast where we explore your personal universe. I'm Diana Marcketta and in each episode Soulfam co-founder/co-creator Lexi Strumor Saldin and I interview the world's most rising and long-time experts in consciousness, spirituality, entertainment, healing and science from Earth's dimension and dimensions way way beyond. On The Soulfam Podcast our frequencies are high and your heart chakras will open as these powerful voices of today share cutting-edge research, profound experiences and valuable knowledge for your world in this out of this world, thought provoking, envelope-pushing interviews that could only take place right here on The Soulfam Podcast. Listed on Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Alexa, TuneIn, iHeart Radio, Stitcher and Pandora. AND NOW YOU TUBE.....https://youtube.com/@thesoulfampodcast?si=mKEUwSV-qmHFLsTB
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ETS HAVE A MESSAGE! CHANNEL YOUR GALACTIC ORIGINS! Paul Miljus, the ET/Angel Channeler, tells all!!
LET GO!! SURRENDER!!!HAVE FUN!!! FOCUS ON YOUR HEART!! Paul Miljus, ET/ANGEL Channeler ( @paulmiljus , stan.store/PaulMiljus) talks with Lexi and Diana about his 5-year journey to channeling ETs and Angels and his experience assisting thousands - especially men - in their understanding of their galactic histories, their current spiritual journeys and their past lives on other planets and here on Earth. Paul shares his wit and sense of humor about spirituality with Lexi and Diana. Paul, who has spent many lifetimes as an Avian (both blue and red) shares a message with Lexi and Diana as he channels his Avian guide. Avians are commonly associated with birds and bird energy. If you are encountering a lot of birds or feel very drawn to birds, or are curious about Avians you might have experienced a previous lifetime as an Avian, says Paul. During this fun, high vibe episode, Paul talks about his stress growing up knowing how different he felt in his then environment. Later, as a young adult, Paul kicked a marijuana habit and began his spiritual awakening. Along the way, Paul credits Jesus Christ for being a strong and loving guide and Archangel Michael for being a spiritual bouncer for negative energy and entities. Lexi allows Paul to channel her Arcturian roots and other lifetimes and receives a tender message about focusing on her heart and heart chakra. He also channels that Lexi is relatively new to Earth with about 100 lifetimes incarnated here so far. With a nudge from Lexi, Paul channels that Diana has experienced more than 500 lifetimes on Earth and that her soul has been on Earth for a very long time. Paul also channels that Diana has had multiple lifetimes on Lyra prior to her soul's Earth incarnation. A fascinating, fun interview, Paul works with individuals both in person and remotely to help people feel grounded, understand their galactic histories, channel their angels and help open the heart chakra, especially for men. Listen and watch now to this fun, easy-going interview and check out Paul's upcoming workshop with angel medium Kristin Davies on his website on stan.store/paulmiljus.
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